Zeitler AG, founded in 1957, has changed from a traditional contract manufacturer to a producer of innovative Stringing Guns and cable laying tools. Developed due to difficulties at construction sites, the extremely helpful Zeitler Stringing Guns became invaluable tools for electrical installers and construction companies.
This shows once again how important it is to record customer problems and needs. The result was to develop step by step a range of products for each installation area. The equipment can be used for ducts from Ø 4 to 200 mm (internal diameter). The days of heavy equipment, only transportable in trucks or trailers, are gone.
Today, handy equipment, suitable in any car boot, is the constant companion of electrical installers and piping professionals.
Customer requirements and individual conveniences are thoroughly recorded and put into practical solutions whenever possible. Thus, the range of accessories has grown and shows now various auxiliary tools and parts for several solutions. Meanwhile, Zeitler AG is represented in several countries. Constantly new representatives around the world join our distribution network.
Get in touch with us. We will inform you about a distributor close to you!